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SEO Packages & Pricing

In a perfect world, you could trust me, a total stranger, to deliver amazing SEO results by the hour. In this actual world, where it feels like you can’t trust anyone sight unseen, sometimes paying a fixed price for a clear deliverable is more palatable.

If you are new to me and think my approach to SEO looks good, but you’d like to purchase my services in bite-sized pieces with clear deliverables, I understand the realities of sticking to a fixed budget and I’m happy to oblige.

Standard SEO Packages I Offer

These are one-time prices, no commitments, no recurring charges.

Buy any two packages and save 10%. Bought one and you’re coming back for more? All future packages you purchase are also 10% off whatever the current rates may be.

My guarantee: I do not guarantee results (and you shouldn’t trust anyone who says they can). What I do guarantee is that if you buy a package from me and it turns out you need very little work in that area, you can choose: a full refund less $150 or apply a full credit to any other packages or work you’re interested in.

Technical SEO Packages

The Fundamentals (up to 1000 pages)

When it comes to SEO, it’s critical to have all of your ducks in a row with “basic” SEO before moving onto more advanced opportunities. Why? Because the fundamentals are what determine how Google views your site quality. If your site quality isn’t good enough, you aren’t eligible for Featured Snippets, FAQ, People Also Ask, and other SERP features.

If you’ve never put any meaningful effort into your SEO, start here. I’ve packaged this in two ways: I only tell you what needs fixing or I tell you how to fix it, too. 

  • The first option is good if you have good developers to implement my recommendations, who are happy to figure out how to implement the suggested fixes. 
  • The second option is good if you have less skilled developers on hand or use freelancers. A clearly defined specification document is essential in these situations.

What’s included in The Fundamentals? Essentially everything I can learn from Screaming Frog’s crawl of your website and reviewing the Pages tool in the Indexing section of your Google Search Console. The more data sources we add to the crawl, the more context I have to identify your biggest must-fix issues, though the crawl itself is typically very illuminating. The issues I pick will be a mix of low-hanging fruit and projects with the most upside potential.

If you want me to implement your fixes, I can do that in most cases, but it’s not included in your package pricing. I charge my Technical hourly rate for implementation of findings from Technical SEO Packages.

If your site is larger than 1,000 pages, I am happy to work with you by the hour, but these packages won’t get you where want to go. Large sites have their own sets of issues.

Core Web Vitals Assessment

Google has made it very clear to all of us that how our website performs — the actual experience the user has while waiting for our sites to load — is critical. They’ve invested heavily in giving us the tools we need to measure and fix our slow, bulky, behemoths. Their rules apply both to mobile devices and desktop computers. They call this group of ranking factors “Core Web Vitals” or CWV for short.

What’s included in a Core Web Vitals Assessment? My Core Web Vitals Assessments won’t just tell you what your scores are. You don’t need me for that, you can go to Pagespeed Insights or GTMetrix yourself to see how bad it really is. What you need is someone to tell you if your low score matters to your business. Is it worth the hoops you’ll jump through (and the cost) to fix it? Can fixing your CWV move your pages up the SERPs? Hint: the answer isn’t always yes.

If you’ve never put any meaningful effort into making your website faster, this package is worth a spin. At the very least, you’ll find out if you can stop worrying about CWV for a while. Even if you hit pause on CWV for now, you’ll want to revisit this assessment at least yearly, if not quarterly, or one of your sleepy-looking competitors may beat you in the SERPs.

On-Page & Internal Linking SEO Packages

The next most critical piece of SEO work is to get your page content and internal linking structure in order. When most people think of SEO, they’re thinking of what we call On-Page SEO. This is the Page Title (usually the underlined blue link which appears in the SERPs), the meta description (sometimes the text shown under that blue link), the heading tags (H1, H2, etc.), content length, use and mark-up of images, keyword usage, and how the page contributes (or doesn’t) to topical authority.

On-Page Bootcamp Packages

What’s included in an On-Page Bootcamp? My On-Page Bootcamp is billed by the page and is based on what you tell me the target keyword is. My assessment looks at all of the bits listed in the previous paragraph, but it also includes a comparison of headers and target keyword usage for the Top 5 results on the SERP for your target keyword. This tells you whether or not your implementation is valid, but more importantly, all other things being equal, whether you can with it. I will provide a revised outline and a modified keyword plan for the page. I’ll also provide you with an assessment of SERP features you may be eligible for and what to do to earn them.

Rewrites are not included. They are billed hourly.

Structured Data is an a la carte service for me because there are too many variables to predict how much time I’ll spend getting you set up. How much time I’ll spend depends on your development team, why you’re looking to add structured data, how you plan to implement it (JSON-LD vs Microdata), and whether you’re hand-coding the solution or using a plug-in.

Buy 10 or more pages and save 10% on your order.

Your internal linking structure is, part and parcel with your actual content, the number one determinative factor in establishing your site as a topical authority. If Google can’t crawl your site and understand what it’s about — how your pages relate to each other — then Google doesn’t want to show your site to its searchers.

There are dozens of sites writing about the same subjects you are, selling the same products you are, competing for the same top three positions on the SERP for any given keyword. Why would Google pick your site as one of the best if it can’t understand it?

What’s included in a Link Structure Analysis? This is not an assessment of backlinks (or inbound links), rather I look at how your pages link to each other. Do you use “Learn More” instead of an action or keyword-packed link? Do you have more than 100 pages in your global navigation menu? Do you have breadcrumbs implemented on your site? How is your pagination implemented? What’s the situation with your Canonical URLs? Is your URL structure “complete?”

The prices for this package are based on how many topics your website covers. The simpler your website is from a contextual perspective, the less work is involved in making sure it’s all coherently interlinked. Due to the complexity of this particular analysis, I recommend we talk a bit before assessing which price category you fit into.

SERP Analysis Packages

What’s included in a SERP Analysis? The days of 10 blue links are gone. These days the SERPs are stuffed with all kinds of extra features and each ranking position might be designated for a different customer intent. If search intent is a fuzzy concept to you, or if you don’t know how to earn SERP features, this is a must-have package to prioritize your next SEO steps.

Buy more than 10 keyword analyses and save 10% on your order.

Let’s work together
to take your SEO to the next level

I’m currently looking for a few good clients.

My client roster is full at this time. Please get in touch if you’d like to be on the waitlist.

© Jessyca Frederick 2023-2024